Monday, September 20, 2010

Anglo-Saxon Riddle

Hwylc is hæleþa þæs horsc     ond þæs hygecræftig

What man is so mind-strong and spirit shrewd

þæt þæt mæge asecgan,     hwa mec on sið wræce,

He can say who drives me in my fierce strength

þonne ic astige strong,     stundum reþe,

On fate's road when I rise with vengeance,

þrymful þunie,    þragum wræce

Ravage the land, with a thundering voice

               fere geond foldan,    folcsalo             
     Rip folk-homes, plunder the hall-wood:    
ræced reafige?     Recas stigað,

Gray smoke rises over rooftops--on earth

haswe ofer hrofum;     hlyn bið on eorþan,

The rattle and death-shriek of men.I shake

wælcwealm wera.     Þonne ic wudu hrere,

The forest, blooms and boles, rip trees,

bearwas bledhwate,     beamas fylle;

Wander, roofed with water, a wide road,

         holme gehrefed,     heahum meahtum        
          Pressed by might. On my back I bear    
wrecen on waþe,     wide sended;

The water that once wrapped earth-dwellers,

hæbbe me on hrycge     þæt ær hadas wreah

Flesh and spirit.       

foldbuendra,     flæsc ond gæstas,

                                    Say who shrouds me

somod on sunde.     Saga hwa mec þecce,

And what I am called who carry these burdens.

          oþþe hu ic hatte,     þe þa hlæst bere.        
Sometimes I plunge through the press of waves

Hwilum ic gewite,     swa ne wenaþ men,

To men's surprise, stalking the sea-warrior's     
under yþa geþræc;     eorþan secan,

Fathomed floor. The white waves whip,

garsecges grund.     Fifen biþ gewreged,

Foam-flanks flaring, the ocean rips,

fam gewealcen        *     *     *     

The whale's lake roars, rages--

          hwælmere hlimmeð,     hlude grimmeð,     
Savage waves beat on the shore, cast rock,

streamas staþu beatað,     stundum weorpaþ

          Sand, seaweed, water on the high cliffs   
on stealc hleoþa     stane ond sonde,

As I thrash with the wave-power on my back

ware ond wæge,     þonne ic winnende,

And shake under blue, broad plains below.

holmmægne biþeaht,     hrusan styrge,

I cannot flee from the helm of water

          side sægrundas.     Sundhelme ne mæg     
Till my lord lifts me to a higher road.

losian ær mec læte     se þe min latteow bið

          Say, wise man, who it is who draws me    
on siþa gehwam.     Saga, þoncol mon,

From sea-clutch and cover as the deep

þonne streamas    eft stille weorþað,

Sometimes my lord seizes and shoves me,

          yþa geþwære,     þe mec ær wrugon.     
Muscles me under the broad breast of ground,

Hwilum mec min frea      fæste genearwað,

     Packs my power in a dark, narrow prison,     
sendeð þonne      under salwonges

Where the hard earth rides my back.

bearm þone bradan,      ond on bid wriceð,

I cannot flee from the weight of torture,

þrafað on þystrum     þrymma sumne,

Yet I shake the home-stones of men:

     hæste on enge,      þær me heord siteð         
Horn-gabled mead-halls tremble,

hruse on hrycge.      Nah ic hwyrftweges

          Walls quake, perch over hall-thanes,        
of þam aglace,      ac ic eþelstol

Ceilings, cities shake.                    

hæleþa hrere;     hornsalu wagiað,

                            The air is quiet

wera wicstede,     weallas beofiað,

Above the land, the sea broods, silent

          steape ofer stiwitum.      Stille þynceð     
Till I break out, ride at my ruler's call--

lyft ofer londe     ond lagu swige,

My lord who laid bonds on me in the beginning,

oþþæt ic of enge      up aþringe,

          Creation's chains, so I might not escape   
efne swa mec wisaþ     se mec wræde on

His power unbowed-my guardian, my guide.

æt frumsceafte     furþum legde,

Sometimes I swoop down, whipping up waves,

bende ond clomme,      þæt ic onbugan ne mot   
Rousing white water, driving to shore

of þæs gewealde     þe me wegas tæcneð.

     The flint-gray flood, its foam-flanks flaring    

Hwilum ic sceal ufan     yþa wregan,

         Against the cliff wall. Dark swells loom      
streamas styrgan     ond to staþe þywan

In the deep-hills on hills of dark water,

flintgrægne flod:      famig winneð

Driven by the sea, surge to a meeting of cliffs

          wæg wið wealle.     Wonn ariseð        
On the coast road.                        

dun ofer dype;     hyre deorc on last,

                                  There is the keel's cry,

eare geblonden,      oþer fereð,

The sea-guests' moan. Sheer cliffs wait

þæt hy gemittað      mearclonde neah

     Sea-charge, wave-clash, war of water,     
hea hlincas.     Þær bið hlud wudu,

As the high troop crowds the headland.

          brimgiesta breahtm,      bidað stille     
There the ship finds a fierce struggle

stealc stanhleoþu     streamgewinnes,

As the sea steals its craft and strength,

hopgehnastes,      þonne heah geþring

          The souls of men, while white terror     
on cleofu crydeþ.      Þær bið ceole wen

Rides the waves' back. Cruel and killing

sliþre sæcce,     gif hine sæ byreð

On the savage road--who stills us?

          on þa grimman tid,      gæsta fulne,    
Sometimes I rush through the clouds riding

þæt he scyle rice     birofen weorþan,

My back, spill the black rain-jugs,

feore bifohten,     fæmig ridan

          Rippling streams, crack clouds together   
yþa hrycgum.      Þær bið egsa sum

With a sharp shriek, scattering light-shards.

ældum geywed,     þar þar ic hyran sceal

Sky-breakers surge over shattered men,

     strong on stiðweg.     Hwa gestilleð þæt?  
Dark thunder rolls with a battle-din,

Hwilum ic þurhræse,     þæt me on bæce rideð

And the black rain hums from a wet

won wægfatu,     wide toþringe

     Waves from the war-cloud's womb. breast,     
lagustreama full,     hwilum læte eft

The dark horsemen storm. There is fear

slupan tosomne.     Se bið swega mæst,

In the cities in the souls of men when dark

breahtma ofer burgum,     ond gebreca hludast,
Gliding spectres raise light-sharp swords.

þonne scearp cymeð      sceo wiþ oþrum,

Only a dull fool fears no death-stroke;

ecg wið ecge.     Earpan gesceafte

     He dies nonetheless if the true lord         
fus ofer folcum      fyre swætað,

Whistles an arrow from the whirlwind

blacan lige,     ond gebrecu ferað

Streaking rain through his heart. Few

          deorc ofer dryhtum     gedyne micle,   
Find life in the rain-shriek's dart.

farað feohtende,     feallan lætað

I urge that battle, incite the clash

sweart sumsendu     seaw of bosme,

     Of clouds as I rage through riders' tumult    
wætan of wombe. Winnende fareð

Over sky-streams. Then I bow down

atol eoredþreat;      egsa astigeð,

At my lord's command, bear my burden

          micel modþrea     monna cynne,       
Close to the land, a mighty slave.

brogan on burgum,      þonne blace scotiað

Sometimes I storm beneath the land,

scriþende scin     scearpum wæpnum.

          Sometimes rage in the cavern of waves,   
Dol him ne ondrædeð     ða deaðsperu,

Sometimes whip the waters from above,

swylteð hwæþre,     gif him soð meotud

Or climb quickening the clash of clouds.

               on geryhtu     þurh regn ufan        
Mighty and swift-say what I'm called

of gestune læteð      stræle fleogan,

And who rouses and calms my fierce power.

farende flan.     Fea þæt gedygað,

þara þe geræceð     rynegiestes wæpen.

          þonne gewite      wolcengehnaste       

þurh geþræc þringan     þrimme micle

ofer byrnan bosm.     Biersteð hlude

heah hloðgecrod;     þonne hnige eft

under lyfte helm     londe near,

ond me on hrycg hlade      þæt ic habban sceal,

meahtum gemagnad     mines frean.

Swa ic þrymful þeow     þragum winne,

hwilum under eorþan,     hwilum yþa sceal

hean underhnigan,     hwilum holm ufan

     streamas styrge,      hwilum stige up,         

wolcnfare wrege,     wide fere

swift ond swiþfeorm.     Saga hwæt ic hatte,

oþþe hwa mec rære,      þonne ic restan ne mot,
oþþe hwa mec stæðþe,     þonne ic stille beom.

I maintain a messy mentality
A multiple mistake-maker
Responsible for riveting works
Manipulated in a multitude of ways
Can produce multi-colored portrayals
Best used by writers around the big blue-ball
Clearly conveys thoughts of the class-dictator
Answer: Pen

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